Documentaries, Research, Eateries

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Vegan Documentaries

Cowspiracy- available on Netflix

“Cowspiracy” calls out several environmental organizations for ignoring – or even obscuring – the truth about animal agriculture’s impact on the planet.

What the Health- available on Netflix or buy from Amazon

 “What the Health” explores the many benefits of a vegan diet and exposes the reluctance of health and nutrition organizations to point out the negative health effects of consuming animal products.

Earthlings- buy from Amazon

For curious meat-eaters who seek the truth about the industries they support, or vegans who wish to understand the full extent of humanity’s brutality toward non-human animals

Vegucated- available on Netflix or rent/buy from Amazon

Explores the challenges associated with ditching animal products in favor of plant-based foods. It follows the lives of three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to try a vegan diet for six weeks. 

Forks Over Knives- available on Netflix or rent/buy from Amazon

Promoting the benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet. Among various experts in vegan nutrition, “Forks Over Knives” features T. Colin Campbell, author of “The China Study,” the comprehensive scientific resource on the health benefits of the vegan diet.

The Game Changers- releasing on January 19

Featuring names like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Scott Jurek, Derrick Morgan, and Morgan Mitchell, “The Game Changers” aims to inspire by showing the power of a vegan diet in elite athletes.

Nutritional Science & Research on Plant- Based, Whole Foods 

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